8:09 a.m.
Sebastian Avellaneda
This course is aimed towards upper level undergraduates and masters
principles of classical mechanics to the study of human motion
motion with precise, well-defined mechanical and anatomical terminology
the internal and external forces acting on the body during typical human
activities understand how muscle actions control movements - Model muscle
activation and movement
Biomechanics has been defined as the study of the
movement of living things using the science of mechanics (Hatze, 1974).
Mechanics is a branch of physics that is concerned with the description of
motion and how forces create motion. Forces acting on living things can create
motion, be a healthy stimulus for growth and development, or overload tissues,
causing injury. Biomechanics provides conceptual and mathematical tools that
are necessary for understanding how living things move and how kinesiology
professionals might improve movement or make movement safer. Most readers of
this book will be majors in departments of Kinesiology, Human Performance, or
HPERD (Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance). Kinesiology comes
from two Greek verbs that translated literally means “the study of movement.”
Most American higher education programs in HPERD now use “kinesiology” in the
title of their department because this term has come to be known as the
academic area for the study of human movement (Corbin & Eckert, 1990). This
change in terminology can be confusing because “kinesiology” is also the title
of a foundational course on applied anatomy that was commonly required for a
physical education degree in the first half of the twentieth century.
This older meaning of kinesiology persists even today,
possibly CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biomechanics of Human Movement 3 because
biomechanics has only recently (since 1970s) become a recognized specialization
of scientific study (Atwater, 1980; Wilkerson, 1997). This book will use the
term kinesiology in the modern sense of the whole academic area of the study of
human movement. Since kinesiology majors are pursuing careers focused on
improving human movement, you and almost all kinesiology students are required
to take at least one course on the biomechanics of human movement.
It is a good thing that you are studying biomechanics.
Once your friends and family know you are a kinesiology major, you will
invariably be asked questions like: should I get one of those new rackets, why
does my elbow hurt, or how can I stop my drive from slicing? Does it sometimes
seem as if your friends and family have regressed to that preschool age when
every other word out of their mouth is “why”? What is truly important about
this common experience is that it is a metaphor for the life of a human
movement professional. Professions require formal study of theoretical and
specialized knowledge that allows for the reliable solution to problems. This
is the traditional meaning of the word “professional,” and it is different than
its common use today. Today people refer to professional athletes or painters
because people earn a living with these jobs, but I believe that kinesiology
careers should strive to be more like true professions such as medicine or law.
Biomechanics research on sports techniques sometimes
tends to lag behind the changes that are naturally occurring in sports.
Athletes and coaches experiment with new techniques all the time. Students of
biomechanics may be surprised to find that there are often limited biomechanical
6 FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOMECHANICS The two major applications of biomechanics are
to improve human movement and the treatment or prevention of injury.
Biomechanics principles must be integrated with other
kinesiology sciences to solve human movement problems, like in the qualitative
analysis a round off and back handspring. Studies on many techniques in many
popular sports. The vast number of techniques, their variations, and their high
rates of change and innovation tend to outdistance biomechanics research
resources. Sport biomechanics research also lags behind the coaches and
athletes because scientific research takes considerable time to conduct and
report, and there is a lack of funding for this important research. There is
less funding for biomechanical studies aimed at improving performance compared
to studies focused on preventing and treating injuries.
Students looking for biomechanical research on
improving sports technique often will have fewer sources than students
researching the biomechanics of injury. While technique is always relevant in
human movement, in some activities the psychological, anatomical, or
physiological factors are more strongly related to success. Running is a good
example of this kind of movement.
There is a considerable amount of research on the
biomechanics of running so coaches can fine tune a runner's technique to match
the profile of elite runners (Cavanagh, Andrew, Kram, Rogers, Sanderson, &
Hennig, 1985; Buckalew, Barlow, Fischer, & Richards, 1985; Williams,
Cavanagh, & Ziff, 1987). While these technique adjustments make small
improvements in performance, most of running performance is related to
physiological abilities and their training. Studies that provide technique
changes in running based on biomechanical measurements have found minimal
effects on running economy (Cavanagh, 1990; Lake & Cavanagh, 1996; Messier
& Cirillo, 1989). This suggests that track coaches can use biomechanics to
refine running technique, but they should only expect small changes in
performance from these modifications.
performance can also be enhanced by improvements in the design of equipment.
Many of these improvements are related to new materials and engineering
designs. When these changes are integrated with information about the human
performer, we can say the improvements in equipment were based on biomechanics.
Engineers interested in sports equipment often belong to the International
Sports Engineering Association (http://www.sportsengineering.org/) and publish
research in ISEA proceedings (Subic & Haake, 2000) or the Sports
Engineering journal. Research on all kinds of equipment is conducted in
biomechanics labs at most major sporting goods manufacturers.
Unfortunately, much of the results of these studies
are closely guarded trade secrets, and it is difficult for the layperson to
determine if marketing claims for “improvements” in equipment design are real
biomechanical innovations or just creative marketing. There are many examples
of how applying biomechanics in changing equipment designs has improved sports
performance. When improved javelin designs in the early 1980s resulted in
longer throws that endangered other athletes and spectators, redesigns in the
weight distribution of the “new rules” javelin again shortened throws to safer
distances (Hubbard & Alaways, 1987). Biomechanics researchers (Elliott,
1981; Ward & Groppel, 1980) were some of the first to call for smaller
tennis rackets that more closely matched the muscular strength of young players
(Figure 1.4). Chapter 8 will discuss how changes in sports equipment are used
to change fluid forces and improve performance.
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